Cystic Fibrosis Trust

FeBrewary 2023

Sam Wilcock

Sam Wilcock

My Story

As some of you will know I lost a friend (Iona) to Cystic Fibrosis a few years ago. She was on the organ doner waiting list for new lungs which she never received and the latest available life changing medication wasn’t available to CF patients on the NHS before she died at the age of 19.


On Saturday 18th Feb I’m attempting to raise funds and awareness for CF by holding an open house coffee morning at my home. In the run up to the event I will be selling raffle tickets at £1 a strip.


Current prizes include various bottles of spirits, a voucher from Truly Scrummy Deli (an amazing café on Horsforth town street), a voucher from Eden Bar and Kitchen, chocolates & more…


If anyone would like more information, to purchase any raffle tickets or donate a raffle prize please let me know.

Thank you



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

As some of you will know I lost a friend (Iona) to Cystic Fibrosis a few years ago. She was on the organ doner waiting list for new lungs which she never received and the latest available life changing medication wasn’t available to CF patients on the NHS before she died at the age of 19.


On Saturday 18th Feb I’m attempting to raise funds and awareness for CF by holding an open house coffee morning at my home. In the run up to the event I will be selling raffle tickets at £1 a strip.


Current prizes include various bottles of spirits, a voucher from Truly Scrummy Deli (an amazing café on Horsforth town street), a voucher from Eden Bar and Kitchen, chocolates & more…


If anyone would like more information, to purchase any raffle tickets or donate a raffle prize please let me know.

Thank you